I must apologize for the lengthy clip and me and BJ's annoying commentary :) I just wanted to show you Harrison's odd reaction to the food!!!! Unfortunately when you trim a video in iPhoto - you cannot successfully upload it to another source - you I have to show you all of our originals video takes.
Anyway....I am not really starting Harrison on eating yet until we are moved to the new house and back from our trip to Colorado. He is still exclusively breast-fed (yay - pat on my back) but we wanted to see how he would do with a little food. So we mixed a little breastmilk with rice cereal and the kid went NUTS!!!! I can't imagine what he will do with bananas! :)
Checking for dirtballs :) Addie had a blast this year!!! We took in all that Maplewood had to offer (not too much, but the animals and fireworks were fun) - and she thought it was the best thing ever. This is the first year that she watched the fireworks. Although she was up waaayyy past her bedtime - she was not bothered at all by the loud noise and loved watching them and dancing around in the grass!!!! Some GREAT shots of the kids with our new camera.
Our very good friends from Pittsburgh, Amanda and Reggie, stopped by 4th of July weekend to visit and we were honored to meet there new baby - Mathilda!!!! She and Harrison hit it off and got their picture together :) Very cute that he is holding on to her!
Where is the world is the time going? BJ commented that we would just sit around and watch Addie's every move and now we still do that - but Harrison is in the mix :) I remember it seemed to take forever to approach 6 months with Addie and now here we are week month away from 1/2 a year with Harrison and it seems like I just gave birth!!! He is the most wonderful baby ever - but definitely high needs :0) When he is happy - he is the most smiley, laughing baby on the block. When he is upset - boy, you know it!!!! He is super tall - already wearing 9 month clothes!!!! He is so soft and cuddly. He loves to play with his baby toys on the mat and has mastered rolling over in both directions - although I have yet to catch this on video. He scoots all around on his tummy and loves to watch Addie play with her toys. He is in love with Addie - she can do no wrong. He could be in the midst of a terrible crying jag and then she sings to him and he starts smiling and laughing. He is very tactile and love to touch faces and skin - especially when he is nursing. His eyes are amazing - the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. This has definitely been a turning month for him - more aware of his environment and much happier to be left to play. Very minimal carrying around in the Ergo carrier this month!!!
Our first boat ride as a family - well, on a pontoon boat. We had a lot of fun - went with another family on a lake in New Jersey. Despite the chilly water - Addie wanted to go swimming with Daddy. She had a blast! She even got to experience fishing - helping daddy put hot dogs on a kiddie fishing pole and then casting it into the water. Although she didn't catch anything herself - she was very excited to see a fish on the pole of a fellow fisher. All in all - it was a very memorable experience for everyone. Harrison was awake most of the time - but fell dead asleep at the end of the trip.